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Jesus Christ (‘Iesous Christos)

* was conceived miraculously by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary in Nazareth without any physical penetration, apparently 266 days before Saturnalia.

* was born at midnight on December 25 in 1 B.C. or 1 A.D. or on one of many other dates. Societies conform by celebrating his nativity on the twenty-fifth, like the nativities of Horus of the religion of Isis and Osiris, Tammuz of Syria, Adonis of Greece and Apollo of Rome.

* was delivered by a miracle - so his mother’s virginity remained intact - in a cave built over by the Church of the Holy Nativity in Bethlehem, former site of the Temple of Tammuz and selected by the uncircumcised Saint Jerome as his birth place.

* had no siblings and those mentioned in Matthew 13:55-56 and Mark 6:3 were evidently his cousins.

* was invented for the Greek speaking Gentile world with a very loose link to the Hebrew Yeshuwa haMashiach (the Anointed).

* evidently had long, flowing hair and went around fully clothed.

* was an ordinary man, according to the apostle Paul, who was possessed from birth by the Christ light (Ephesians 5:14) or Son of God. The Christ (actually Buddha) was created by his monotheistic God (Θεός) the Father and made subservient to him (1 Corinthians 11:3), in order to make visible what was invisible (Hebrews 11:3). He and not Jesus emptied himself and took the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men and fashioned as a man (Philippians 2:5-11). Possession occurred in the womb, possibly very early, like with John the Baptist (Luke 1:15). Moses was also possessed and so was Paul himself. From then on the man and Christ are indistinguishable. The apostle Paul believed that Yowceph was his earthly father, “having been born of the seed (Greek spermatos) of David according to the flesh and designated Son of Θεός in power according to the Spirit of holiness by a resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:3-4). He deliberately never mentioned the mother of Jesus by name in all his epistles. Joseph definitely was of the house of David (Luke 1:27, 2:4 and 3:23,31). Citing Isaiah 7:13-14, Matthew 1:23 affirms that she too was of the house of David. Otherwise her link was through betrothal and marriage. The confusing dogma of the Virgin Mary is only half the story.

* was evidently baptised on Friday, January 6, 30 AD in the Jordan River by John the Baptist either by total immersion or pouring and then driven by the Holy Spirit into the local mountain wilderness. There he was tempted for forty days and nights by Satan in the form of a serpent or horned man in a red cloak with a tail, holding a pitch fork.

* stood on the pinnacle of the Jerusalem temple overlooking a steep gully when tempted by the devil. He was then taken to the Mount of Temptation, from which he could view the surrounding kingdoms.

* did not say what his heavenly Father’s name was, but it is believed to be Jehovah or Yahweh.

* never used parables to explain the mysteries of creation, but meant them to be interpreted through the eyes of Paul.

* mentioned circumcision on only one occasion in John 7:22-23 and therefore did not consider it important, since he had come to fulfil the Law in man’s stead, nail the commandments to the cross and free all men from the burden of the Law. Circumcision is little more than a sign of the covenant Jehovah or Yahweh made with Abraham and faith in Jesus’ own circumcision is now sufficient for all.

* sent the apostle Paul to tell Jews and Gentiles everywhere that circumcision and un-circumcision are nothing. What is important is keeping the commandments of ho Theos (1 Corinthians 7:19). Logically His heavenly father only ordained circumcision for Israelites alone and not Gentiles. That was now a matter of personal or parental choice.

* focussed upon family unity with children honouring their mothers and fathers and both slaves and their owners treating each other with respect.

* apparently permits divorce and re-marriage, since Paul overrode his prohibitions in the canonical Gospels (1 Corinthians 7:10-16).

* evidently said nothing against homosexuality, although the apostle Paul strongly condemned it in Romans 1:24-27.

* taught, according to Paul, that faith is a set of beliefs in him and his heavenly Father, called God (ho theos), yet established by men, especially himself. These are then empowered by emotion with the believer filled with love and hope.

* taught salvation by faith through grace apart from any works of the Law in a gospel revealed especially to Paul and not the Twelve.

* taught that his heavenly Father wants all men to be saved. He died for all with no exceptions - just Judas.

* taught unconditional love which is patient and kind, not jealous or boastful, does not insist on its own way or rejoice in wrong, but rejoices in the right (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). Yet Paul insisted that he and his appointed overseers and deacons must be obeyed.

* had in mind this distant kind of love, where whoever “believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Any sight of Jesus is visualised or imagined (Hebrews 2:9, 12:2).

* taught that one does not die, but sleeps until judgement day.

* gave power to Peter to tranfer his cloak of apostleship onto a suitable successor and always a bishop in the one true church.

* was transfigured in the presence of Moses and Elijah on Mount Tabor, date unknown.

* instituted a New Covenant in his blood, also a remembrance meal, which entirely replaced the covenant made with Moses and the Israelites at Mt Sinai.

* was crucified on Friday, Nissan 14 in 33 A.D. at the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, buried in the carved out tomb in its Church of the Anastasis and raised by God the Father from the dead. A temple to Adonis was built over the site to conceal it.

* is said to have descended into hell or Hades while in the tomb in order to proclaim the good news to those in prison from the time of Noah.

* was crucified on the day before the Sabbath and resurrected on the morning after the Sabbath, although not all agree on this.

* appeared much the same like he was before his arrest and trial with only a few visible injuries in his hands, side and feet. All other wounds were miraculously healed or not sustained.

* ascended from two places, namely, Bethany first, which was apparently a trial run (Luke 24:40), before going back to Mount Olivet for the real deal (Acts 1:12).

* resides in the close heaven, where the twenty-four thrones of Revelation 4:4 are either unknown or not considered important and the heavenly Jerusalem with its pearly gates has the Throne of God near the bottom with no huge mountain behind. This is identified with the heavenly environment of Near Death Experience reports, which are an influencing factor in all religions. The apostle Paul visited this heaven in Acts 14:19-20 and referred to it in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 and Hebrews 12:22-24, where he called it Mount Zion.

* is believed to have rewarded John the Baptist with eternal life and made him an important saint in Heaven, perhaps replacing Abraham.

* will return to Earth either to reign for a thousand years or hold judgement at a date known only to the Father, but one which can be calculated by men wise in the knowledge of the Bible and ancient pyramids. So far the correct date has evaded them and the hopes of many dashed.

* never provided any photographs of himself except what cameras have snapped of sanitised, artistic imaginings. Obviously he does not want his true identity known.

* is the dispenser of amazing grace to any wretches out there prepared to commit to Christ.

The details of the life and times of Jesus Christ are governed very much by human institutions. Billions believe in and respect him. Yet he is a God-man whose life lacks historical certainty and whose experts on Earth just wish they could provide the proof they so earnestly seek.

For this Marcion the Gnostic bishop of Sinopė is to be thanked, since he revived the letters of Paul and started all the rot. Yet maybe that had to happen.

Authority: OM the Dragon and His two companions (God).

© Wayne Zanker and FIMIOL Photographics 2015-6.