Binary clusters and prime numbers leave powerful signatures.



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Parables And Binary Clusters -  III

However, there is more to the Didache’s attack on mathematikos which is hidden within the real purpose of many of Yeshuwa’s parables. For among the many secrets of Creation (Matthew 13:35) Yeshuwa taught His sholechiym (“sent ones”) and students the behaviour of binary digits and its eight clusters [two digits and six clusters).

Perhaps the 7000 plus the extra 1000 years has something to do with how just eight numbers (0-7) feature so strongly in the energies of Creation. There are only eight basic clusters controlling momentum and gravity.

The Parable Of The Prodigal Son

An example of the above is the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. It is really about the creator of two binary 1s. The father had two sons. One wanted to leave, so the father divided their inheritance.

Since like magnetic poles repel each other, it is natural for the 1 on the left to move away from its companion 1 on the right. Half of the inheritance went to the unsettled son, who departed to a far country and wasted all his money on loose living. The dutiful son, once split with his brother, became an agitating 1 and helped send him off. So much energy is expended on useless enterprises.

Yet that is not the point. When activated, binary energy is used up. It is not converted into anything else. There is no need for that, for it is easily recreated. This is Fifth Dimensional thinking and here one is not dealing with the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics which applies to the lower material dimensions.

When it is but a shell of its former self, then the prodigal 1 makes its way back home to its pair and creator. As the parable concludes, his pair is initially restless at his brother’s return, protesting until reassurance is given by the father before the process starts over again. And so the binary cluster is restored to its agitating brother and re-energised to become 11 again.

The Speed Of Light Explained

Is this just another theory? What possible application can it have? Might it help explain a physical phenomenon which till now has remained mysterious to every physicist on the planet past and present. Why does light get to travel so fast so quickly?

The speed of light in a vacuum (299,792.458 kps) is actually governed by a series of double ones with a zero on the end of each cluster except the last. The zero provides muscle to help it gather momentum.

When seven binary 011s are placed in a row [011,011,011,011,011,011,011] and converted to their decimal value, without the separators the answer is 898779. Check this out with the calculator on the next page. Divide this figure by 3 and the quotient is 299593, just under 200 kps (199.458) short of the accepted speed of light in a vacuum. The offset is there for a reason.

This is actually a Fourth and Fifth Dimensional calculation. The Fourth is dedicated to Time, the Fifth to binary energy. Both work in sync together to produce effects in the material dimensions below.

So then every time one sees a form of light shining, the process described by the Parable of the Prodigal Son is taking place, giving the photon and accompanying particles their great speed, and doing so every second. It is almost instantaneous, so accounting for the offset. In very quick succession the first cluster sets off the second, which precipitates the third. The fourth follows until the seventh is on its way.

The binary cluster for 3, incidentally, is 11. It is a peripheral energy which looks back at centre stage and is seen. So every photon and wavelength has to move into the periphery, and in the process is slowed down to a third of its initial speed. The momentum established at the start is maintained until the photons have lost their luminance. Think of it like the extra fuel required to get a moving vehicle or object onto a trajectory within a set amount of time. - This is where Yeshuwa, the Creation scientist, comes into His own in the Gospels.

An Analogy

Another way to understand this is to ponder the spinning top that one might have played with a few decades ago. It had a handle which, when pressed down firmly, caused the top to spin in a clockwise direction. If left to spin on its own, it would quickly lose momentum, begin wobbling and fall over.