Binary clusters and prime numbers leave powerful signatures.



FIMIOL Photographics’ AIMS



FIMIOL Photographics specialises in personal energies.

FIMIOL Photographics    Proud Publisher of the Lord’s Family Album -  By Appointment

The Holy Bible is now a Crime Scene -  Do Not Cross This Line.

Click here for

 Crime Scene Articles

Introducing FIMIOL Photography and its Impact upon the Sacred Scriptures.

Click here for

General Background Articles or use the navigation bar.

The Science of Creation is fascinating to learn and study.

Click here for

Articles Affecting The Environment.


For more FIMIOLs and interesting insights on who God is, the Creator Eluhiym, IRVs and more, please visit the sister web site at


Introducing The Articles On

FIMIOL Photographic web sites now have SSL certificates with 256 bit encryption, so visitors can feel assured that they are safe to visit.

When the present writer first began publishing FIMIOL photographs and associated articles on this web site, little did he know to where they were leading.

Naturally background information was needed to explain what FIMIOLs are. Yet there appeared to be another agenda lying in wait. The Creator Eluhiym do not reveal everything at once. Like a pioneering explorer new territory is discovered stage by stage where one horizon leads to another. This is Their modus operandi too.

In December 2016 that agenda became very obvious. It was to reveal the sacred Scriptures of the Judeo-Christian religions as a crime scene.

Not only had the apostle Paul been found to have undergone several years of training in Mahayana Buddhist philosophy and meditation, but the Law and the Prophets had also been treated with disdain by the ancestors of the Sadducees and Pharisees.

Why did both Yohannan the Dipper (John the Baptist) and Yeshuwa (not Jesus) call them offspring of vipers without directly explaining why? Those are very powerful words. The apostle Paul also claimed to have been trained as a Pharisee and, it appears, remained haunted by his past.

His ‘body’ theology originated with the Trikaya which speaks of the body of essence, body of transformation and body of communal bliss, all frequent themes in his epistles. The doctrine of Karma is expressed in Galatians 6:7-8 and is based upon a false understanding of flesh and spirit. Most who sow to the spirit (which spirit?) do not reap eternal life and many of his works of the flesh in Galatians 5 are actually fruits of the spirit.

A crime scene is usually a place where an immoral act or some evil, like a murder, has been committed after some spiritual planning (“out of the heart” in Matthew 15:19). Mystery novels and television shows abound with police, detectives and sleuths trying to crack the ‘whodunit. Forensic investigation is carried out and questions are asked to determine probable cause, motive and manner of the crime, so that the culprits can be arrested, taken into custody, charged and tried in a court of law.

The Crime Scene Articles, however, are merely introductions to establish the plausibility that a crime(s) has been committed and to lay out its brief. Fuller forensic examinations will be provided in a series of e-Books in coming years.

Suffice to say there are very sound and logical reasons on a number of fronts to call for not just a new translation of the Bible, but a reconstruction of the original narratives. It is that serious.

The Science-Based Articles demonstrate the existence of an interface between the spiritual realms and material world. While natural observations can be useful, they belong to the outer dimensions and are themselves the products of higher spiritual processes.

Accessing The Menu Pages

At this stage there are three menu pages. One may follow the links from here, the left column or the menu above. Not everyone has JavaScript activated and these pages are all written in and compiled using Serif’s WebPlus X8 software.

General Background Articles: These will assist with understanding what FIMIOLs are and how they are game-changers.

Crime Scene Articles: Not only do they point to a solution, but they provide an historical perspective which has disturbing ramifications. Enjoy the hunt for clues.

Science-Focused Articles: The Creators, as opposed to God, are very much into the knowledge of innovation where imagination plays a minimal role.

FIMIOL Photographics:  ABN 35 425 367 583

Website Author:  Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*

© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -  Adelaide, South Australia 2015-6.

*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-16). It is the best qualification.