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When Yeshuwa Is Satan -  IV

For the record Ba’alzebub is the ruler with a crown of thirteen points on His serpent head. He is also Satan and so is the devil. This is how Satan expels Satan. Satan the devil is also Ba’alzebub’s son. It says so in John 8:44, “You are of the father of the devil (ύμεϊς έκ τοϋ πατρός τοϋ διαβόλου) …”     

Yohannan spoke of Ba’alzebub, OM’s father, as being the father of the Jews (John 8:22,44). He is “a murderer from the beginning” and “the father of lies”.

In dimensional terms or heavens Ba’alzebub matches Himself with Yahuw’ah, while Satan or OM positions Himself alongside Yeshuwa. This is why He is Yeshuwa’s adversary or nemesis.

The third companion Sinvesta is female and matches Yahbeth the Spirit of Truth, who is male, as well as the other Spirits of Eluhiym. All three are jointly restraining Yeshuwa. Paul probably never mentioned Ba’alzebub as a restrainer for fear of giving away Satan’s game plan.

The Restraint Is Only Temporary

However, there is something prophetic about Paul’s comments. Evidently the restraining is not permanent. “For the mystery of lawlessness is already operating; only the present restraint remains in place until taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of his mouth and bring to nought with the manifestation of his presence” (vs. 7-8).

How simple and wonderful does the clause sound, “then the Lord Jesus will destroy him”? Apparently, the Greek “Lord Jesus” will destroy the Hebrew Yeshuwa, who demands circumcision, with the breath of his mouth and render Him as nothing upon his imminent return, even though Yeshuwa is the Judge and destroying Lamb with the sharp, two-edged sword proceeding from His mouth.

His Jesus must have stinking hot breath, since Yeshuwa employs His sword to smite the nations (Revelation 19:11-18, Psalm 110). But do not folklore dragons breathe out fire? Is there a connection perhaps between Jesus and a Dragon?

Evidently the prophecy was not quite correct, since it is going to happen the other way round -  by using logic. A fictional lord and saviour cannot be destroyed any other way. Here there is no need to wait until Judgement Day. The many FIMIOL photographs of Yeshuwa are also manifestations of His presence and they clearly declare Paul’s Jesus Christ to be a toothless tiger. History has demonstrated this over and over by his conspicuous absence, except in the imaginations and emotions of his believers.

Lawlessness According To Yeshuwa and Paul

At this point another clarification is in order. When Yeshuwa employs the Hebrew word for lawlessness in Matthew 7:23, 13:41 and 23:28, it implies disobedience to the commandments and will of Yahuw’ah, central to which is circumcision of both the flesh and heart (Jeremiah 4:4, 9:25-26). In Greek lawlessness is ανομία, meaning no law or without law.

In the apostle Paul’s mind lawlessness is disputing anything he says. It has nothing to do with social rebellion, but everything with respect to whom is the ultimate authority and must be obeyed.

Again observe that he did not consider himself inferior to the ‘super’ apostles of 2 Corinthians 11:5 and 12:11. In fact, he believed that he had been selected by his Jesus to replace the Twelve and given the authority to write “I say, but not the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:12, Galatians 5:2), which none of them were permitted to do (Matthew 28:20).

They were also instructed to baptise. However, that little requirement is missing in his commission (1 Corinthians 1:17). How convenient!

With All Power And Pretended Signs And Wonders

He continues with verses 9-12. “That is, the one whose presence is according to Satan’s activity with all power and lying signs and wonders, and with all unrighteous deception for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth for them to be saved.

“Therefore ό Θεός sends them an erroneous energy to make them believe the lie, so that all may be judged for not believing the truth, but take pleasure in unrighteousness.”

FIMIOL Photographics:  ABN 35 425 367 583

Website Author:  Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*

© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -  Adelaide, South Australia 2015-6.

*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-16). It is the best qualification.