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Abraham Was No Monotheist -  III

"Now in chapter 18 it is Me again who visits Abraham and Sarah with the two destroying angels. In verse 25 I am the Judge of all the Earth and Abraham knew that was My role. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in chapter 19 was by My hand.

"Yahuw'ah is active in chapter 20. In chapter 21 it is Me who advises Abraham to listen to Sarah.

"After the dismissal both of Us are working together. Eluhiym is Yahuw'ah and I am the Angel.

"The same applies to chapter 22. Yahuw'ah instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son and I as the Angel supplied the lamb. In chapter 24 Abraham is talking about Me."

Verse by verse the above was applied. It had to be done using the Hebrew scriptures. One simply cannot rely upon other ‘sacred’ texts to comprehend this. Only by swapping the name Yahuw’ah (YHWH) with the original title can one really appreciate this.

Here, though, is not the place to lay out the full list, since it is quite lengthy, so a sample from chapter 22 is provided. It is the author’s intention to publish the full list soon in an e-Book. Bala’am also encountered Him.

Genesis 22:1 - And after these things, [haEluhiym] El Shadday testing Abraham said ...

Genesis 22:3 - and he arose and went to the place where [haEluhiym] El Shadday had said to him

Genesis 22:8 - And Abraham said, "[Eluhiym] El Shadday will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son."

Genesis 22:9 - And they came to the place which [haEluhiym] El Shadday had said to him... Yitschaq was old enough to travel with his father. Yishma'el would have been at least eighteen years old if he was the promised son.

Genesis 22:11 - And [the Angel of Yahuw'ah] El Elyown called out to him from the Heavens and said, "Abraham, Abraham." NB: Abraham is very familiar with this voice.

Genesis 22:12 "For now I know that you are a fearer of Eluhiym, and have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me (El Elyown)

Genesis 22:14 - And Abraham called the name of that place [Yahuw'ah Yireh] El Shadday Will See. So that it is said until this day: in the Mount of [Yahuw'ah] El Shadday it will be seen. [Yireh only means to see, not provide, If Yahuw'ah sees what is and that means provide, well Brown, Driver and Briggs’ Lexicon on pp 906-8 has no such definition for ra’a.]

Genesis 22:15 - And [the Angel of Yahuw'ah] El Elyown called out a second time to Abraham from the Heavens …

Genesis 22:16 - And He said, "By Myself I have sworn, declares [Yahuw'ah] El Shadday, that because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son, that surely I will bless you and surely I will multiply your seed as the stars of the sky and as the sand which is on the sea shore." Both Eluhiym affirm Abraham's obedience.

Roles Defined In Matthew’s Gospel

In the process an amazing conclusion was reached. The various roles played by El Shadday and El Elyown are reflected in those attributed to each in the Gospel according to Matthew. Here the Sermon on the Mount comes into its own.

There Yeshuwa describes the role of the Father as causing the sun to shine and rain to fall (5:45) and knowing what one needs for food, drink and clothing (6:32-33). Observe the non-violent content of the Lord’s Prayer (6:9-13), which embodies Yahuw’ah’s key functions. In 18:10,14 the angels of little children who believe in Him behold Yahuw’ah’s face in Glory. Everything fits in perfectly with the meaning of El Shadday (pron. ale shadd-eye) as El Sufficient Provider.

This definition did not originate with the present writer. One Rev. Linda Smallwood had already published it online. Evidently El Shadday does not mean El (or ‘God’) Almighty. The translations are wrong.

FIMIOL Photographics:- ABN 35 425 367 583

Website Author:- Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*

© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) - Adelaide, South Australia 2015-6.

*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay - “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-16). It is the best qualification.