Binary clusters and prime numbers leave powerful signatures.



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Parables And Binary Clusters -  VII

Decimal To Binary

Insert Decimal Number:- 
---Simple Binary String:- 
Clustered Binary String:- 
Binary String Reversed:- 

Binary To Decimal

----Insert Binary String:- 
-Simple decimal Value:- 

[Interesting values to play with: 898779, 390625, 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2,  365, 127, 73, 27 and 17. The reverse binary string of the decimal value of 2 to any power is always 1.]

Earth And Lunar Rotation

It appears that one prime number is influencing both the rotation and revolution of the Moon around planet Earth as well as the rotation of the planet itself.

Prime Number:- 1171. Its first outcome produces 3642.202445, shortened to 3642.

Prime Number:- 1171. Its first outcome, multiplied by 3, produces 10926.607335, shortened to 10927. This is close to the metric circumference of the Moon.

Prime Number:- 1171. Its first outcome, multiplied by 11, produces 40064.226895, shortened to 40064. This is close to the metric circumference of the Earth.

The associated algorithm involves the key value of 3.1103351366, calculated by dividing the speed of light (299792.458 kps) by the Dove Tor’s Number (139 pulses per second), then by solar rotation (25.38 days) and Moon rotation (27.321661 days).

Here 139 = 12009600 / 86400. 12,009,600 is the clockwise rotations per second of a binary ONE, which itself radiates light.

Logically there is an overall consistency here with regard to Earth and Lunar rotation which allows for slight variations in speed, followed by balancing corrections.

Closing Remarks

Well, that is enough for now. The purpose of this article has been to explain how Yeshuwa through many of His parables taught the role of higher dimensional energies in running the material world in which humanity lives and observes its environment.

The parables in Matthew 13 also explain creation energies, each in their own way.

Then there is the teaching about the Seventh Dimension and how it not only provides access to Heaven in the Eighth, but its laws are demonstrated when Yeshuwa walked above the waves on the Sea of Galilee and taught faith as small as a mustard seed being able to move mountains, like galaxies, at will.

One must surely agree that God has been quite successful till now in preventing this knowledge from being revealed. Those days, however, are now over. There is a new day dawning and the binary clusters and prime numbers are making it happen.

When IRV technology is restored to its rightful place, then men and women of science will be able to begin grasping and using it to make the world a better place. No doubt God will be out there doing His worst too. He knows, though, that with the release of this technology His days are numbered.

Yeshuwa as the Lamb of Eluhiym and El Most High, together with His team of Creators, will be making many resources available for human use. Those who tap into Their minds will discover that behind His seven eyes and seven horns is a brilliant scientist who is only happy to keep His two-edged sword in His mouth, but shower His friends with love and understanding.

FIMIOL Photographics:  ABN 35 425 367 583

Website Author:  Wayne J. Zanker (RA)*

© Wayne J. Zanker (RA) -  Adelaide, South Australia 2015-6.

*RA stands for Re’eh Adonay or “friend of the Lord” (John 15:14-16). It is the best qualification.